Easter thoughts: What ever was the son of God thinking at the time of his crucifixion? Remember the lord by rejoicing - make this Easter extra special by sending close friends and family a Happy Card personalized with your own Easter thoughts put into words. Remember Easter is a time for forgiveness.

You can donate this offering to the local chapel as a way of thanking Jesus Christ for coming back to watch over us. What is that true saying? you can not put a good man down and how very true are those words that were spoken. Remember the lord with a prayer gathering among friends and family to let Jesus Christ know that he is in your thoughts at Easter.

What with the lord Jesus Christ and new plant growth then who are we to disbelieve in the fact that there is life after death. Easter time does not change situations in famine stricken countries nor for the abused child.Easter thoughts: What ever was the son of God thinking at the time of his crucifixion?

What Globe Valve Manufacturers was the son of God thinking at the time of his crucifixion? Forgive them for they know not what they do. Killings still continue with acts of terrorism which is a major concern spreading like an epidemic among loyalists. Easter thoughts: